
The experience at ABFM’s 10th Anniversary Gala brought about an encouragement to all of us; but, especially those who saw our first meeting ten years ago. As the Bible tells us not to despise a humble beginning, this has come true to us. We saw many friends that we have met and made relationships with in the last ten years, and also our covenant partners that have stood with this ministry from different backgrounds and professions, come together to celebrate the faithfulness of our God. It was also an opportunity to look back and see how God used faithful people like you to impact people for eternity. Today, through your financial giving and prayer, ABFM has been able to offer education and welfare to almost 300 hopeless children. When we started this program a few years ago we thought we would help these kids to read and write; but now, the first group of these kids are in 11th Grade and there is a hope that they are going to go on to University - an achievement they would never dream about without your help.

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